March 14, 2011


When you think you’re standing alone, you’re actually surrounded by a sea of others, waiting to lend a helping hand. You are never alone in this world. It doesn't matter what your past is, and prior decisions don't have any affect. There will always be someone there for you. It could be a stranger or a family member, a friend or a teacher. The important thing is, there is always someone willing and ready to care for you and help you. I know there are times that you may feel as if you can't be helped, and that maybe there isn't another solution. Maybe you've resorted to thinking that other options may make your life easier. In all honestly, there is nothing that makes your life easier than you confronting your own issues and problems, and solving them as they arise. Running away from them will never help you, it only proves to make your issues worse. Take the situation in your own hands, and do what you know is right to make things better.
Who you surround yourself with makes a great effect on you. If the people you hang around are negative and draining, once you part ways, you're probably left feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Try scouting for friends that lift you up rather than bring you down. They will add an essential positive aspect to your day, and lead you to routinely think happy thoughts.
Confidence in yourself allows you to see that people really do enjoy being around you. It makes you realize that you are not alone, and that you never need someone to be constantly with you to make you a better person. You never need a second person to define you. Being yourself is always enough.
Don't be afraid to open up to people who wish to listen. Sharing your thoughts can be a huge outlet for your emotions, whether it be through art, talking, writing, sports or any other outlet that allows you to share with others what you may be holding inside. It's a good idea to exercise a couple of these activities, because the more you get out of your system, the happier you are. Find your "happy place" - physically or emotionally. If thinking of your ideal place helps you to calm down so you're able to reassess your situation, do it. If physically going somewhere to let yourself ponder your thoughts and possible solutions helps you make it through, then do that. Whatever it is that helps you, don't be afraid to perform the task often.
 Remember, there are always bright moments on a cloudy day, but you have to open your eyes to see them.

Alison Finch, "Fed Up With Feeling Alone?,"

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