February 28, 2011

The Little Things

Being missed is a message to you saying that you were able to leave a lasting impression on people. You made an impact big enough on someone else's life that they can feel the difference when you’re not there. You left with a bundle of assets that made you stand out. You made a difference. Sometimes, it’s a difference for people that you didn’t even know you effected. Sometimes, you’re unaware until you do something that pushes them to tell you. And other times, well, other times you just don’t know. Whoever you are, whatever you do, and however you’re feeling, it may just add to your day to know that to someone in this world, you’re making an impact.
Add a few things to your to-do list; things like smiling at someone, helping someone else out, holding a door, offering a few words of wisdom, complimenting five people honestly and with meaning - all of these things that may seem so insignificant to you, but huge to another.
When that other person goes home at night, and someone asks them how their day was, they will have more to say than just, “fine,” and you gave them those extra words. Making a difference for others, makes a difference for you.
We all love to have our days made.
A lot of times, finding happiness for yourself means creating happiness for someone else - hence the post about making other's days a little brighter. Seeing affects of your words reflecting positively back through others really heightens your emotions, and can put you in the greatest of moods. The spreading of positivity is the essence of creating a happier you. In fact, the more people demonstrating an optimistic attitude, the more likely you will too.
We have a tendency to reflect the emotions of others around us. I'm sure you know the saying, "You are who you surround yourself with." That includes actions as well as feelings.
A positive, light-hearted group of friends is the best solution for a bad attitude. When you spend enough time around them, you begin to channel the same emotions, and your attitude begins reflecting their own. Though you never want to be a "follower," honestly feeling happy because another person's attitude had the ability to change your day, is a great thing.

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault


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