With each day you create a changing future. Think about it. During every day, you make these decisions. Choices. What you decide to put in your coffee, which muffin you bought at the bakery, how long it took you to get to wherever you were going.. they all make some sort of difference, whether it be the amount of creamer making you gain another two pounds, or deciding to grab the chocolate muffin instead of the bran one. As I brought this to my own attention, it made me think that while in between making those little decision, big ones are placed within my day without my knowledge. Each day we chose a path for ourselves, the new direction in which we take in our journey of life. Now these paths are literally the road to our future, I know - epic cliché- but it’s so true. When they tell you to think about each and every decision before you make it, they’re actually serious. Thinking is your most valuable, admirable trait.. I advise you to use it. Now, about the title. The path I’d like to chose for my future is filled with people who have made it their job to tell me “no.” In fact, there is always going to be that person telling you you’ll never be able to do what you wish, ignore them and any stereotypes involved in your aspirations. The people and stereotypes are completely irrelevant, half of the time the person telling you these things wishes they had the courage to do what you’re doing.
My parents are those people that will always be there for me, telling me in their own special way that I can and will accomplish whatever it is I’d like to. Even if it isn’t spoken, and they’re saying the opposite, the truth is in their eyes. You know what they say, the eyes are the windows to your soul. What I’m trying to say, is that for those thousands that are going to tell you no, there’s always at least one that’s going to tell you to go for it, and fight so incredibly hard to get there. The one that acts as your cheerleader is the one you should be listening to. Always keep that positive outlook on your life, and always do what you want, and what you feel is right in your heart. I don’t care if they say your heart doesn’t make the decisions, they’re wrong. Your heart leads you through and through, each and every day, telling you what you want, and what’s right for you. Listen, because it’ll always be on your side.
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