March 09, 2011


Never back down. Don’t ever stop trying because someone told you “no.” Don’t ever stop trying because someone told you “yes,” and then let you down. Don’t ever stop trying, because the second you stop is the second that your dreams fall away.
I think a part of us always knows what we want.
But, how do we get there?
For a while, I didn’t know how to answer my own question. It was like this huge puzzle with a thousand missing pieces. And then, I just started somewhere. You have to work for things in this world. As we grow, the competition becomes greater and greater. If we stop trying, for even a second, that could be it. We fall behind and there is no catching up. This is just how the world works. But, if you push through, the good and the not so good - because the bad doesn’t exist - you will find yourself coming out on the other side. The great side.
Achieving your dream will never be an easy feat, but it is always attainable. Don't wait for that ideal time, as soon as an opportunity presents itself, put everything you have into it, and fight for all that you want. The more you try to get to that goal, the easier and more likely it becomes. Practice is essential, and can be done in all sorts of ways that pertain to your aspirations.
As I said before, reaching your goals won't be easy, in fact, it will most likely be the hardest thing you've ever done, but also the most rewarding. Don't ever give up, no matter how hard it becomes, and no matter how many times it hasn't worked out. You have to keep your attitude up and your confidence level in yourself extremely high to push past the pressures and expectations set on you by others. Don't stop until you've reached that point of ultimate accomplishment that you've set for yourself.
For most people, it takes years to reach their dreams. It's not always a short process, and there are numerous obstacles that are likely to present themselves along the way. You'll learn to solve problems, and if you're not able to, you'll notice yourself taking a step back to assess the situation and figure out the best solution for yourself. Before you know it, you're back on track again, and one step closer to those dreams of yours.

Donald Latumahina,

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